As I write this, I am scrolling through some beautiful Instagram photos of homes already decorated for Christmas, on November 4th! I’m not judging because I love the holiday decor too but I can’t help but think that these people are obviously not staying at their homes for Thanksgiving this year. I can’t even think about the Christmas decorations yet because sadly, the Halloween ones still need to come down. Not to mention, I host 25+ people every year for Thanksgiving so I would like to enjoy one holiday at a time.
One of my favorite things about the holidays are the family traditions that make this time even more special. Growing up, I came from a very big family. My mom is one of six kids and I am one of 4 so between grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and siblings, our holidays usually exceeded max. capacity. I wouldn’t have it any other way though. We had one year when I was 11 that we lived out of state and it was by far, the worst holiday season any of us has ever had. When you grow up in a big family, you get used to the chaos and it becomes the norm. Holiday traditions also become a constant in your life that you can count on, which is important in the eyes of a child.
Thanksgiving was usually hosted by my grandmother or my mom and always included both family and friends. My mom is a big believer that no one should ever be alone on the holidays, mainly because when we lived out of state, it was the loneliest feeling ever. That meant when I was in college that I was supposed to invite friends who didn’t have family nearby and they were always welcome in our home. Today it includes all extended family too making it even more special. Thanksgiving is an all day event, with non-stop food, games and laughter but has some great traditions throughout.
Every year we take the time to go around the table and give everyone a chance to talk about what they are grateful for. We have even continued the tradition with our kids and it has made for some priceless memories. These days, Thanksgiving is hosted at our house, but let’s be honest, I couldn’t make a turkey to save my life so my amazing mom carries on the tradition.
By evening, we immediately transition into our next holiday, Black Friday:) All the girls in the family have a wonderful tradition of shopping until we drop (literally!) on Black Friday. We are true bargain shoppers through and through so this is one of our favorite days of the year. More so than a good deal, the fun and laughter we have throughout the day make it priceless.
Christmas is no exception either. In recent years, our traditions have included church on Christmas Eve Eve, holidays with the in-laws on Christmas Eve and a full day of food and gifts on Christmas Day.
I love that my kids can look back and recall all of the great traditions that the holidays bring and I pray that they will continue them with their families as they get older. There is nothing more comforting than knowing you have these special times to look forward to and countless memories to reflect on. Cheers to the holiday season friends!