So, I know I missed National Son Day earlier this week but I had a good reason. I wanted to wait to write this blog post because today was a significant milestone on this journey of parenthood. My first baby, who is definitely not a baby anymore, is now officially independent and can drive on his own. Let the mom anxiety begin!
While the smile on his face when he told us he passed will probably forever be etched in my mind, it made me reflect on this new rite of passage and how it signifies one more step to full independence and adulthood in just a couple of years.

When our kids are little, we mark those first signs of independence like the first smile, their first steps and first words along with each of those little defiant moments where they were trying to exert their independence but didn’t quite know how to express themselves. We had plenty of those too!
As they get older and start to discover who they are along with what their passions are in life, we get small glimpses into what their future may look like. My husband and I were reflecting the other night on his journey up to this point and talking about how he is smarter than he thinks or ever gives himself credit for. From building a computer from scratch at age 11 to rebuilding dirt bikes at 15, this boy is wired to do something creative.
His problem solving skills are evident in everything he does almost to the point of overthinking things. I wonder who he gets that from (Hint: Me!). I have watched him over the years face adversity in ways we never wanted him to experience. As his mom, I have seen him at some of his lowest points but also have been there for the happiest moments of his life.

As I think about this next phase, I know that while I won’t have to wait up to pick him up any more, it doesn’t mean I won’t be sitting waiting for him to walk safely through the door each night. I pray for my kids’ happiness and safety everyday because it is my greatest wish for them. I know life isn’t always perfect and this boy will have more hurdles to face on this journey to adulthood, but for now, we will relish in this moment and look forward to more steps along the way. Enjoy every moment friends!