How Do You Express Yourself?

We all know that most of us are either introverts or extroverts or maybe a cross between the two but the reality is, we were all created to be unique and different which means we all express ourselves in our own ways.  Some of us are outwardly expressive and others tend to internalize but it doesn’t make either one right or wrong.

This topic has been on my mind a lot lately.  I consider myself more of a hybrid.  I express myself better through the written word but I have learned how to be expressive outwardly as well.  I think it’s important to people knowing how you truly feel, however, the way I express what I am passionate about doesn’t change my feelings either way.

My husband has always been more of an introvert while our children could not be more opposite from one another.  Our daughter, while shy at first, is much more expressive and open with her feelings.  At the age of 12, this can mean lots of added “drama” but for the most part, we know exactly what she’s feeling at all times.  Sometimes too much!  This makes her easier to read but doesn’t necessarily mean she has everything all figured out or her way is the right way.  My son, on the other hand, is more of an introvert like my husband.  Once you get to know him and he truly opens up, he is honestly the kindest, sweetest kid who loves dirt bike riding and baseball more than anything in his world.  As a parent, I know where his passion lies because I see his dedication and struggles, even when he doesn’t outwardly express them.  While he can be harder to read than my daughter, when you invest the time in him, you know exactly where he stands and what he wants out of life.

Expressing ourselves takes courage and vulnerability and as a teenager, there is the added pressure of what your peers will think of you.  Even as adults, we all face the fear of rejection when we express ourselves outwardly.  The difference is we have more life experience to know that life goes on if things don’t go our way.  In a teenager’s mind, every moment can make or break you in a sense.

What has all of this taught me as I have reflected over the last few days?  I have so many people around me, from friends to family to co-workers, that all express themselves differently.  What I need to do is realize that they aren’t going to do it in the same way I do and that is okay.  Each one of them brings something different to my life and each of them has their own passions and dreams that matter to them.  How they express them is something I need to be more cognizant of and understand and appreciate our differences.  Meeting new people comes with the same lesson.  Yes, we usually get an initial first impression of people but is that always truly who they are?  I bet each of us can recall meeting someone that we initially wrote off and later realized they were nothing like how you initially judged them.  Being more aware of how each of us expresses ourselves allows us to be more patient, kind and understanding with one another.  It may also stop a lot of heartache or discontent in our lives.

As you go through your day and your week, think about the people in your life and how each of them expresses themselves differently.  I bet there are things about each one of them that you admire and even envy in some ways.  Take the time to appreciate each of them for their uniqueness and know that they have been brought into yours to teach you how to love and connect in profound ways.  However you express yourself, don’t forget to stay true to yourself, your passions and dreams above all else and that will shine through in the end.