At the start of every year for the last few years, I have selected a word that describes how I want to live out the next year. I really reflected on how I want to approach the next year and one of the things that came to mind was being intentional with how I live my life and spend my time.
I’m sure we have all tried to find more balance in our lives and this is really an almost impossible feat but when I think about making sure I am allocating time to the things that matter the most, it comes down to really having the intention to do it.
I have always been the type of person that once I set a goal or determine that I want to accomplish something, I don’t stop until I do. It’s why I’ve never really set New Year’s resolutions that are unrealistic or lofty. That only leads to disappointment within weeks when you can’t maintain those goals. I like to look at making a list of things I want to achieve but approach it with grace, knowing that they aren’t going to happen overnight. This allows for small progress that adds up to the end goal.
Here’s a list of some of the things I want to really be intentional about moving into 2023.
- Making Plans-I work from home so my days can feel very routine very quickly if I let them. It’s very easy to realize that I haven’t left the house for days at a time. It’s so important to break that up to ensure my mindset stays where it needs to and I’m not feeling stuck. Whether it’s a walk with a friend, making a plan to work from somewhere else for the day, or just getting out for lunch or dinner, I absolutely want to be intentional about this in 2023.
- Be Present in Each Moment-This was on my list last year too and is definitely still a work in progress. If I’m with my family, anything else can wait. If I’m in a meeting, my focus is there. If I am on vacation, I am really going to try and disengage to ensure I’m putting my attention where it belongs in that moment.
- Health-I live a fairly balanced, healthy lifestyle but I want to keep moving in this direction next year. I am also not great at staying on top of regular doctor visits. Next year, this one is going to take me way out of my comfort zone as my age will dictate a few tests and procedures that I won’t want to do but need to in order to ensure I stay healthy.
- Personal and Professional Growth-Next year, I want to continue to evolve both my blog as well as my career. I have been working through a project for the blog that I’m excited about but really need to stay committed to. I also want to change up a few things to refresh the look of my blog and social media. On a professional level, it is so important to stay on top of emerging trends and ensure that I’m setting up my clients for success. Staying in the same spot doesn’t serve anyone well.
- Family-Take every advantage I get to spend time with my kids this next year. My daughter will be starting her senior year of high school which pulls at my heart strings so much. While she doesn’t know her plans afterwards yet, I know that life is about to change for us and soaking up all the time we can will be more important than ever.
- Daily Devotional and Journaling-I really committed to this daily habit in 2022 but find that I tend to fall off on the weekends when I’m off a regular schedule. This year, I want to be intentional about doing this every single day. I also received some great new devotionals and journals for Christmas that I can’t wait to dive into this year.
Whatever your goals or resolutions are for 2023, I pray it is filled with good health, blessings and memories that will last forever. Cheers to fresh starts, new beginnings, and the gift of each new day. Happy New Year friends!