Since most of us are still spending more time than ever at home, I thought it would be a good opportunity to share the 3 books I’m reading right now. You might be wondering how I can possibly read more than one book at a time but I’m sharing my daily and weekly reading habits and how I incorporate all three into my schedule. Daily Devotional-Be Still If you have been following me for awhile, you know I had a[Read more]
2021 in a Word: HOPE
Hope is my chosen word because I think it’s what all of us, including myself, are clinging to for 2021.
2020 Reflections-Turning the Bad into Good
I think we can all agree that 2020 was not an ideal year. That is not news to any of us. But knowing that 2021 won’t all of a sudden be brighter, I thought the best way to head into the New Year was to write a list of the things we lost in 2020 and what we gained instead. Changing our perspective can help us head into 2021 with a mindset that even during the hardest of times, good[Read more]
What I’m Thankful For in 2020
Well, I think it’s safe to say I thought this post would be a lot different when this year started. Nonetheless, I think this year has made me realize more than ever, the things in life to truly treasure. God and Faith-This year brought some scary and uncertain times to our family, with job loss or change that really made us realize how important the basic necessities of life are. In some of these challenging moments and even during the[Read more]
4 Wardrobe Staples Worth Investing In
I’m guessing that one of the home projects most of us worked on during quarantine was a closet clean out. With the change of seasons, I recently went back in again to reassess how long it had really been since I had worn some pieces. I finally did a larger purge of my dress collections since many of them I had been holding on to for years. It got me thinking that there are some pieces that you switch out[Read more]
Halloween 2020-How Do We Celebrate?
In the year that has completely turned our worlds upside down, as the holidays approach we are faced with the question of how do we continue to celebrate? Depending on where you live, there may be restrictions in place that prevent you from your normal traditions or maybe you are choosing to be safer during this time. For us, our annual traditions are definitely on hold this year. We typically host a neighborhood potluck where everyone can come together and[Read more]