In 2022, we will have lived in our house for 18 years. That seems so crazy but our son was just shy of his 1st birthday when we moved in. Needless to say, it has endured many years of family life, including kids and dogs. Over the years, we have tackled a few home renovation projects, some by choice and some out of necessity, due to water leaks and home damage. Over 5 years ago, we completely remodeled and upgraded[Read more]
Family Vacation to Maui
Well, if you were patient enough to keep following along with my vacation pics a couple of weeks ago, you know that we took a very long overdue trip to Maui right before Christmas. I thought I would take the time to outline our trip and some tips and tricks that worked for us. Bear in mind, I am not an avid traveler but hopefully this will help someone like me who has never been to the island or wants[Read more]
2022 in 2 Words-JOY and FAITH
To say I have been remiss in writing blog content lately would be an understatement. Just another reminder to myself that I need to make more time for the things I enjoy in 2022. That being said, the last two years I have chosen a theme word to start the year. It is a word that describes my goals for the upcoming year but also a reminder all year to keep me grounded and focused on what really matters. Initially,[Read more]
Thanksgiving Planning Tips and Tricks
With Thanksgiving just a week away, I’m sure everyone is in planning mode whether you are hosting or attending dinner somewhere else. We have hosted at our house for years now so we have become pretty accustomed to the planning needed to make the day a success and focus on what really matters the most, being together. Here are some tips and tricks to help make the day go smoother. I. Get Organized Putting together a guest list is priority[Read more]
Baby Sprinkle Ideas and Planning Tips
With the upcoming arrival of our new nephew, we started talking about ideas for the Sprinkle months ago, even before we knew the gender. Since this may be our last baby until our older kids start their own families, we wanted to make it as special as possible. If you know a second or third time mama and want to make it special for her, here are some ideas we talked about and eventually ended up moving forward with. One[Read more]
A Full Month-September
I skipped my August blog post as it was a busy time with school getting ready to start and summer winding down but wanted to get back into the swing of things for September now that we are back into a routine. First of all, I can’t believe we are starting the 9th month of 2021. This year has been another roller coaster but seems to be flying by nonetheless. This month brings some extra special days and some new[Read more]