This is my third month writing this monthly recap blog and I love the chance it gives me to reflect back and remember the good times, the challenges and the best memories to hold onto. Every month, I have been looking at lessons learned and how to carry those forward into the new month. This month, I am not only looking back but setting some goals for April for myself. March was a month of more rain here in California[Read more]
The Stories We Tell-Book Review
It has been a long time since I have written a book review or report but after reading this one by Joanna Gaines, I felt compelled to write an honest review. The timeliness with International Women’s Day just happened to coincide but is so appropriate for this one and the message. First, I want to clarify that if you are looking for an autobiography about Joanna, that is not this book. She explains that right upfront and it was intriguing[Read more]
February Recap-Make the Most of Life
I can’t believe I am already writing the February recap but I can’t say I am surprised as I knew this short month would fly by. I love taking this opportunity every month to reflect back on how I am applying my word for 2023, Intention, and what lessons I learned along the way. Here is a recap of some of the reminders I am holding onto as I embrace chapter 3 of 2023. Be Spontaneous February was a mix[Read more]
January Reflections-Embrace the Sweet Moments
I can’t believe we are at the end of the first month of 2023, however, I will say it always seems to be one of the longest months of the year. It’s that month where the post-holiday mode is on but the weather isn’t quite saying Spring yet. It always feels like this strange in between time of year. With my 2023 word of Intention, I really wanted to reflect on the month and how I am doing with my[Read more]
2023-Living with Intention
At the start of every year for the last few years, I have selected a word that describes how I want to live out the next year. I really reflected on how I want to approach the next year and one of the things that came to mind was being intentional with how I live my life and spend my time. I’m sure we have all tried to find more balance in our lives and this is really an almost[Read more]
The People Around Your Table
One of my favorite people on Instagram, Jess Todryk, always talks a lot about the people at your table. I thought it was the perfect reminder as we get ready to physically sit down at our Thanksgiving tables this week. While many of us will be together in person at our tables, I love the meaning behind the people who you invite to sit at your table and do life with you. While Thanksgiving is a time to reflect and[Read more]