As we hit the mid-way point of week 3 of this quarantine, I can imagine the rest of you are like me. Just trying to get through one day at a time and praying for an end to this soon. While spending more time at home with family has its perks, let’s face it, I’m guessing we also have our days where we are getting a little sick of one another too. Overnight, it seems, our daily connections with the[Read more]
Finding Hope in an Uncertain World
I know this is not news to anyone that all of our worlds have been turned upside down in the last week in ways that we never thought possible. With each unfolding day, the news continues to get worse as we all try to find ways to navigate this new territory. The impact is far reaching and extends so much deeper than just our physical health and well-being, although that is obviously the immediate focus. While we have stayed informed[Read more]
The Body that God Gave Us
As I sat in church this past Sunday and listened to the message regarding how we view and treat our bodies, it really hit home since my daughter had a couple of friends that were involved in some body shaming this past week as well. I have always been very conscious about making sure that we don’t place a lot of weight in people’s size, even our own, despite the fact that we are both naturally thinner in nature. With[Read more]
Decisions. Decisions.
Most of us would consider ourselves good decision makers overall when it comes to the big life altering ones, and I’m guessing that even if you have a few not so good ones in there, you have learned from them and grown that much more as a person. When it comes to making decisions, are you an over thinker like yours truly or do you go with your gut instinct and trust that whatever the outcome, that is the best[Read more]
Journey to Independence
You have seen other blog posts of mine talking about the teenage journey to independence and how we navigate through these critical years ensuring, on the one hand, that our kids are well equipped when we send them out into the world as adults but also knowing they can depend on us as they continue to figure out who they really are. Over the weekend, my son went to his Winter Formal and while this wasn’t his first dance or[Read more]
Creating Healthy Boundaries
We are all guilty of it. The minute we see or hear an incoming text or notification, we feel the need to immediately read it and see who it is. It’s normal in this age of instant gratification, especially for our kids who would sleep with their phone next to them if we let them. For me, while I want to make sure the text I am receiving isn’t anything urgent from my kids, I am most guilty of responding[Read more]