Family Vacation Recap-Puerto Vallarta

Family photo on the beach in Puerto Vallarta

We just returned from our summer vacation to Puerto Vallarta so I thought I would put together a recap of our stay while it was fresh in my mind. First, I will say this vacation was a short one but exceeded all of my expectations. My only wish for this trip was some quality time with my family and uninterrupted time to connect with our very busy young adult kids and this trip not only delivered on both fronts but[Read more]

5 Things I’m Loving from Trader Joe’s

It’s hard to believe that just a few years ago, I never shopped at Trader Joe’s. Yes, I said it. I honestly have no excuse. There is literally one down the street from me. I will honestly admit that I didn’t get the hype and felt like it was yet another weekend stop on my list of errands. I am happy to report I have since converted and am now a regular weekly shopper. While we all have our seasonal[Read more]

30 Day Walking Challenge-Why I Highly Recommend

Since the start of the pandemic back in 2020, daily walks were something I tried to incorporate pretty regularly. Initially, they were the only escape from my house when we were all trapped together but when working from home became permanent, so did my walks. Recently, my IG friend Ieasha talked about starting a 30 day challenge to walk at least 2 miles a day. As soon as I heard it, I was on board. While walking regularly has been[Read more]

Motherhood Reflections

As my baby girl turns 18, I am understandably all in my feelings this week. It feels like the end of an era but then again, she still has a couple months of high school left and then summer before taking the next step so I should have some time to adjust. It’s crazy to think about how busy life was when she was born and my son was just 2 1/2. We definitely had our hands full at the[Read more]

Mom Life 2.0-The Next Chapter

I have always known this time of my life would come but now that it’s here, it sure seems surreal and like we got here in the blink of an eye. 2024 marks the end of our parenting years of minor children and transitions into parenting young adults. Don’t get me wrong, with our daughter heading into college next year, there is still some parenting to be done but now we move into the next phase of guiding them as[Read more]

Finding Inspiration for Fall

Okay, I know this may be an unpopular opinion but Fall is usually one of my least favorite seasons, although I live in Southern California, so do we really have seasons here? I think it’s because Summer is my favorite so when it comes to an end, I am always nostalgic and wanting more of it. As we look ahead at the upcoming transition to Fall, I wanted to get some inspiration to really embrace it this year and find[Read more]

May Reflections-Milestones and Memories

Poppi's 75th Birthday

Is it truly possible to say that a month flew by but then when you look back, it seems like the beginning of the month was a long time ago? May was one of those months. I went into the month with events on the calendar every weekend except Memorial Day. Between milestone birthday celebrations, Mother’s Day, family time and college homecomings, there was so much packed into the month that it’s no wonder it felt like a lifetime ago.[Read more]

5 Year Blogiversary Reflections

Yes, I realize that “Blogiversary” is not a real word but it’s appropriate for the 5 year anniversary of this blog. Time truly does fly as I can’t believe I launched this site 5 years ago. I remember the initial nervous feeling of what people would think or if anyone would even read it. While I haven’t devoted as much time to writing as I had hoped (if you read my IG captions, those are like mini blog posts daily),[Read more]

What Moms Really Want for Mother’s Day

So, I will admit, I love receiving a great gift as much as anyone, but when it comes to Mother’s Day, what we really want is the thought behind the gift. To be honest, it doesn’t even have to cost a penny. I have seen some really great gift guides out there and I have a list of things I would love to get too, but I thought it would be fun to put together a list of the things[Read more]

Formal Dress Shopping-Tips and Tricks for Moms of Teens

While I would like to think I have become somewhat of an expert on this subject, if you have a teenager, you know things are always changing, so the minute you get comfortable thinking you’ve got this, it all changes again. I will say after 2 dances last year and 3 this year, I have learned a few tips and tricks I thought I would pass along for any fellow moms of teens. First, to give some background, my daughter[Read more]

March-A Month of Celebrations

This is my third month writing this monthly recap blog and I love the chance it gives me to reflect back and remember the good times, the challenges and the best memories to hold onto. Every month, I have been looking at lessons learned and how to carry those forward into the new month. This month, I am not only looking back but setting some goals for April for myself. March was a month of more rain here in California[Read more]

The Stories We Tell-Book Review

The Stories We Tell

It has been a long time since I have written a book review or report but after reading this one by Joanna Gaines, I felt compelled to write an honest review. The timeliness with International Women’s Day just happened to coincide but is so appropriate for this one and the message. First, I want to clarify that if you are looking for an autobiography about Joanna, that is not this book. She explains that right upfront and it was intriguing[Read more]

February Recap-Make the Most of Life

I can’t believe I am already writing the February recap but I can’t say I am surprised as I knew this short month would fly by. I love taking this opportunity every month to reflect back on how I am applying my word for 2023, Intention, and what lessons I learned along the way. Here is a recap of some of the reminders I am holding onto as I embrace chapter 3 of 2023. Be Spontaneous February was a mix[Read more]

January Reflections-Embrace the Sweet Moments

I can’t believe we are at the end of the first month of 2023, however, I will say it always seems to be one of the longest months of the year. It’s that month where the post-holiday mode is on but the weather isn’t quite saying Spring yet. It always feels like this strange in between time of year. With my 2023 word of Intention, I really wanted to reflect on the month and how I am doing with my[Read more]

2023-Living with Intention

At the start of every year for the last few years, I have selected a word that describes how I want to live out the next year. I really reflected on how I want to approach the next year and one of the things that came to mind was being intentional with how I live my life and spend my time. I’m sure we have all tried to find more balance in our lives and this is really an almost[Read more]

The People Around Your Table

One of my favorite people on Instagram, Jess Todryk, always talks a lot about the people at your table. I thought it was the perfect reminder as we get ready to physically sit down at our Thanksgiving tables this week. While many of us will be together in person at our tables, I love the meaning behind the people who you invite to sit at your table and do life with you. While Thanksgiving is a time to reflect and[Read more]

Holiday Gift Experience Ideas

Girls Night at the Theater seeing Moulin Rouge

We all have those people on our holiday list who already have everything and if they don’t, they usually can go out and buy it. Every holiday it is the same struggle. What do you buy for the person who already has it all? I have learned that the most thoughtful gifts are sometimes the ones that aren’t wrapped in a box but rather, in creating memories together. Whether it is for the holidays or birthdays, the tough people on[Read more]

How to Cut a Raw Hem on Jeans

Frayed hem jeans

If you know me, I can’t cut a straight line so the thought of taking a pair of scissors to a precious article of clothing scared me, until I realized I didn’t want them perfect anyway. I’ve seen videos and tutorials of other people cutting their jeans or t-shirts and I’m always so impressed but again, doubtful of my own skill level. I recently took a pair of jeans out of my closet and realized I wasn’t wearing them due[Read more]

Finding Balance on Your Terms

Creating balance on the weekend

Happy Monday! It was a fairly low key weekend but a super productive one which was much needed. We all have that nagging to do list that hangs over our heads daily, but when the weekend comes, we tend to think we need to tackle all the big projects and tasks. The challenge is if your mind and body aren’t in the right mindset, it’s tough to find that motivation, especially when the weekends are supposed to be our time[Read more]

What Motivates You Each Morning?

Daily Motivational Habits

It sounds so simple and maybe it is. From your first cup of coffee to crushing those goals, I always love to hear what excites people to kick off their day. If you’re not a morning person, maybe it is none of the above, but for me, having a routine and plan for the day is a key part of my morning motivation. I thought I would share a few things from my daily routine but always love hearing what[Read more]

Life Update: Protecting our Kids

Drivers License Photo

It has been a minute since I have written a new blog post. If you follow me on social media, you know my daily posts are mini blogs so finding time to sit down and write something longer has been a bit more challenging lately. I felt compelled to write a new blog as it has been a week filled with change and reminders of how important it is to protect our kids as much as we can. Earlier this[Read more]

What is the Secret to Happiness?

Family photo

Do any of us really know or do we spend our whole lives trying to figure it out? To me, happiness is a choice but also a journey, constantly evolving along with us. Recently, one of the influencers I follow, Jess Todryk, posted a challenge to ask our kids this question and some of the answers were so sweet, pure and innocent. This question really resonated with me, especially as I approach another birthday and look at where I am[Read more]

Dallas Getaway Recap

For those of you following along on my Instagram page, we spent the last weekend traveling to Dallas on a college tour for my daughter. With just 3 full days and lots of places to cover on our list, we were all over the city but, in the end, we checked all the boxes of everything we wanted to do while there. While our trip was not a typical vacation, I thought I would recap it for anyone traveling to[Read more]

Girl’s Weekend Planning Tips

Who doesn’t love a girl’s weekend away? And if you’re a busy mom, I’m guessing you don’t get to take them nearly as much as you would like. This last Christmas, my mom decided to gift each of the girls a weekend getaway to Palm Springs to enjoy some relaxation and vacation time. It was the ideal gift to force all of us to get some dates on the calendar and start the planning. Below are some tips for planning[Read more]

Sweet 16 Country Theme Party

When my daughter said she wanted to throw a Sweet 16 party at the house, we immediately went into planning mode weeks in advance. She knew her theme early on was going to be country so that helped with brainstorming. Amazon was our hero as usual but I thought I would share some of the party ideas for anyone looking to throw a similar theme or just looking for new ideas. Activities The very first request was to make sure[Read more]

The Stages of Motherhood

Mother and Daughter

With my daughter’s 16th birthday just days away, I have definitely been feeling all of the emotions and nostalgia lately. This past weekend, we were celebrating with family and my sister-in-law, who is in the throws of the toddler and baby years, jokingly asked me if I wanted to switch lives with her for a week. It struck me because I think we all have these moments where we need a break and want to step into the next phase[Read more]

Mid-Winter Lull-How to Stay Motivated

I don’t know about you but this time of year can always be a bit more challenging to stay motivated and inspired. With the official start to Spring still about a month away and the holidays now well behind us, I always find myself in the mid-winter lull where everyday seems routine and there isn’t much to get excited about. Going in to the 3 day weekend, I could feel myself on burnout and needing to recharge. While I wanted[Read more]

2022 Home Renovation Projects

In 2022, we will have lived in our house for 18 years. That seems so crazy but our son was just shy of his 1st birthday when we moved in. Needless to say, it has endured many years of family life, including kids and dogs. Over the years, we have tackled a few home renovation projects, some by choice and some out of necessity, due to water leaks and home damage. Over 5 years ago, we completely remodeled and upgraded[Read more]

Family Vacation to Maui

Well, if you were patient enough to keep following along with my vacation pics a couple of weeks ago, you know that we took a very long overdue trip to Maui right before Christmas. I thought I would take the time to outline our trip and some tips and tricks that worked for us. Bear in mind, I am not an avid traveler but hopefully this will help someone like me who has never been to the island or wants[Read more]

2022 in 2 Words-JOY and FAITH

To say I have been remiss in writing blog content lately would be an understatement. Just another reminder to myself that I need to make more time for the things I enjoy in 2022. That being said, the last two years I have chosen a theme word to start the year. It is a word that describes my goals for the upcoming year but also a reminder all year to keep me grounded and focused on what really matters. Initially,[Read more]

Thanksgiving Planning Tips and Tricks

With Thanksgiving just a week away, I’m sure everyone is in planning mode whether you are hosting or attending dinner somewhere else. We have hosted at our house for years now so we have become pretty accustomed to the planning needed to make the day a success and focus on what really matters the most, being together. Here are some tips and tricks to help make the day go smoother. I. Get Organized Putting together a guest list is priority[Read more]

Baby Sprinkle Ideas and Planning Tips

Blue hydrangeas and baby letters

With the upcoming arrival of our new nephew, we started talking about ideas for the Sprinkle months ago, even before we knew the gender. Since this may be our last baby until our older kids start their own families, we wanted to make it as special as possible. If you know a second or third time mama and want to make it special for her, here are some ideas we talked about and eventually ended up moving forward with. One[Read more]

A Full Month-September

Mom and Dad with Son

I skipped my August blog post as it was a busy time with school getting ready to start and summer winding down but wanted to get back into the swing of things for September now that we are back into a routine. First of all, I can’t believe we are starting the 9th month of 2021. This year has been another roller coaster but seems to be flying by nonetheless. This month brings some extra special days and some new[Read more]

July-Bring on the Sunshine

July Beach Photo

It’s officially the first full month of Summer and I couldn’t be happier. Here in California, July usually marks the end of our May Gray, June Gloom days, which means beautiful days at the beach, pool and lake. July is another busy month for us with family birthdays, holidays and special events. Plus, we have a short little getaway planned to one of our favorite local cities. July 4th-While Independence Day is usually a great day to hang out with[Read more]

June-The Arrival of Summer

Family pool day

Another new month, another monthly blog with events and holidays to look forward to. June is one of my favorite months of the year for many reasons. First, it is my birthday month but it’s also the start of Summer, my favorite season of the year. Here are a few things on the calendar this month to look ahead to. Feeling incredibly blessed to be able to plan events and trips again. End of Year Sports Banquets Although the school[Read more]

May Milestones

May flowers

This is the third month I have taken a few minutes to reflect on the upcoming new month and all that it has in store. It has been so good for my soul to be able to look ahead to events and life happenings and know that we are slowly restoring some normalcy to our lives. May is a bittersweet month for me. It is filled with beautiful days like Mother’s Day but also represents the end of my son’s[Read more]

What I’m Reading Right Now

Photos of 3 books I am reading now

Since most of us are still spending more time than ever at home, I thought it would be a good opportunity to share the 3 books I’m reading right now. You might be wondering how I can possibly read more than one book at a time but I’m sharing my daily and weekly reading habits and how I incorporate all three into my schedule. Daily Devotional-Be Still If you have been following me for awhile, you know I had a[Read more]

2020 Reflections-Turning the Bad into Good

I think we can all agree that 2020 was not an ideal year. That is not news to any of us. But knowing that 2021 won’t all of a sudden be brighter, I thought the best way to head into the New Year was to write a list of the things we lost in 2020 and what we gained instead. Changing our perspective can help us head into 2021 with a mindset that even during the hardest of times, good[Read more]

What I’m Thankful For in 2020

Well, I think it’s safe to say I thought this post would be a lot different when this year started. Nonetheless, I think this year has made me realize more than ever, the things in life to truly treasure. God and Faith-This year brought some scary and uncertain times to our family, with job loss or change that really made us realize how important the basic necessities of life are. In some of these challenging moments and even during the[Read more]

4 Wardrobe Staples Worth Investing In

I’m guessing that one of the home projects most of us worked on during quarantine was a closet clean out. With the change of seasons, I recently went back in again to reassess how long it had really been since I had worn some pieces. I finally did a larger purge of my dress collections since many of them I had been holding on to for years. It got me thinking that there are some pieces that you switch out[Read more]

Halloween 2020-How Do We Celebrate?

Halloween treat buckets

In the year that has completely turned our worlds upside down, as the holidays approach we are faced with the question of how do we continue to celebrate? Depending on where you live, there may be restrictions in place that prevent you from your normal traditions or maybe you are choosing to be safer during this time. For us, our annual traditions are definitely on hold this year. We typically host a neighborhood potluck where everyone can come together and[Read more]

A Sense of Normalcy

With 8 months of our lives put on hold to an extent, I know we are all looking for ways to incorporate any sense of normalcy as safely as we can. I’ve seen some adorable pictures of families at the pumpkin patch and it’s a beautiful reminder that this pandemic can’t take away everything. This last weekend, my daughter got to experience her first hint at normalcy as a high school student. With October typically being Homecoming time, this is[Read more]

Where Does Your Motivation Come From?

Let’s face it. Whether you are a working professional or a stay at home mom, or some combination of the two, we can all use some extra motivation at times. For me, I tend to start the week off strong and then start fading by mid-week so that is when I really need the extra boost. I decided to sit down and list out some things that keep me motivated on those days when I am dragging or maybe just[Read more]

Mixed Blessings

Life is full of ups and downs but I think we have never seen that more than in the last 4 months since this pandemic started. While trying to count our blessings of our health and safety which we are beyond grateful for, the stream of bad news and disappointments can be exhausting at times. When this first started, I remember being week to week with decisions made on a short-term basis. While it was still a rollercoaster, the hope[Read more]

Birthday Reflections

I can honestly say that when 2020 started, I had no idea what this birthday would hold and never could have imagined the months leading up to it. There have been so many life lessons learned just in the last few months but also really important reminders as I reflected on how far I have come since my younger days. First and foremost, I know that most of us have learned to truly stop and appreciate life, especially when it[Read more]

The Importance of Journaling

As I write this, I have just logged day 84 of my daily journal since “stay at home” life began. I can’t believe we are almost at 90 days and as we slowly start to re-immerse ourselves into the outside world, we know there is still so much new territory to navigate. Having a daily and weekly place to let our thoughts reside can be a saving grace, especially during those harder days or weeks. This year, I shared the[Read more]

It’s Okay to Have a Good Cry

I often get asked, “How do you stay so positive all the time?” The reality is I wouldn’t be a very genuine person if I was pretending to be happy all the time. I definitely choose a positive mindset everyday because that is how I am wired but trust me, I allow myself a good cry when I need it. To give you some background, I have always been the “strong one” both in my family growing up and now[Read more]

Quarantine Life Outdoors

With today being Earth Day, I thought it was more appropriate than ever to talk about our appreciation for the great outdoors. I’m guessing, like me, that while I have always enjoyed time outside, especially when the weather is nice, none of us have ever appreciated it more than in the last 6 weeks. With so many of our beaches, parks and hiking trails closed, it can be hard to find ways to enjoy our time in the sun. Today,[Read more]

Stay at Home Recipes

Now that we are well into week 5 of stay at home life, I am guessing, like me, you probably feel like you have cooked over 3,000 meals at this point, and don’t even get me started on the dishes people. Since we have long since exhausted our regular go to dishes, I have been on the hunt for some different ideas. I love seeing when someone on Instagram is sharing a new recipe because I usually get sucked in[Read more]

Finding the Silver Linings

As we enter into week 4 of stay at home life, I’m guessing that each day gets harder for most of us in a lot of ways. As I was on a conference call last week with a client, he brought up the “silver linings” a few times and it stuck with me all weekend. As I see people posting pics of their family game nights or bike rides together, I am reminded that, while each day has brought sadness[Read more]

Staying Connected

As we hit the mid-way point of week 3 of this quarantine, I can imagine the rest of you are like me. Just trying to get through one day at a time and praying for an end to this soon. While spending more time at home with family has its perks, let’s face it, I’m guessing we also have our days where we are getting a little sick of one another too. Overnight, it seems, our daily connections with the[Read more]

Finding Hope in an Uncertain World

I know this is not news to anyone that all of our worlds have been turned upside down in the last week in ways that we never thought possible. With each unfolding day, the news continues to get worse as we all try to find ways to navigate this new territory. The impact is far reaching and extends so much deeper than just our physical health and well-being, although that is obviously the immediate focus. While we have stayed informed[Read more]

The Body that God Gave Us

As I sat in church this past Sunday and listened to the message regarding how we view and treat our bodies, it really hit home since my daughter had a couple of friends that were involved in some body shaming this past week as well. I have always been very conscious about making sure that we don’t place a lot of weight in people’s size, even our own, despite the fact that we are both naturally thinner in nature. With[Read more]

Decisions. Decisions.

Most of us would consider ourselves good decision makers overall when it comes to the big life altering ones, and I’m guessing that even if you have a few not so good ones in there, you have learned from them and grown that much more as a person. When it comes to making decisions, are you an over thinker like yours truly or do you go with your gut instinct and trust that whatever the outcome, that is the best[Read more]

Journey to Independence

You have seen other blog posts of mine talking about the teenage journey to independence and how we navigate through these critical years ensuring, on the one hand, that our kids are well equipped when we send them out into the world as adults but also knowing they can depend on us as they continue to figure out who they really are. Over the weekend, my son went to his Winter Formal and while this wasn’t his first dance or[Read more]

Creating Healthy Boundaries

We are all guilty of it. The minute we see or hear an incoming text or notification, we feel the need to immediately read it and see who it is. It’s normal in this age of instant gratification, especially for our kids who would sleep with their phone next to them if we let them. For me, while I want to make sure the text I am receiving isn’t anything urgent from my kids, I am most guilty of responding[Read more]

The Power of Social Media

Hi Friends! One of my goals in 2020 is to get back to posting at least one full blog post per week in addition to my daily Instagram posts. It’s week 2 of the year and here we are with the second post of 2020! I jotted down this blog post idea a couple weeks ago as I thought about this virtual community that we create through our social media channels. There is so much negativity associated with social media,[Read more]

2020 in a Word: PEACE

Happy 2020 Friends! Although it is already the 6th, this is my first blog post of the new year so I thought I would start it off with the theme for the next year. If you follow me on Instagram, I talked a little bit about this already but wanted to expand on it further and explain why I chose the word “Peace”. First, this exercise started when I saw a post asking everyone to select one word that would[Read more]

2019 Reflections

I can’t believe it is the official last day of the year and the decade. Where has the time gone? I know I’m not the only one saying that today. Looking back at the last year, it has been full of wonderful memories, ups and downs ( I do have two teenagers) and so many lessons learned. We started off the year with my son prepping for his permit test and now, he’s already been driving for 3 months. He[Read more]

Black Friday Tips and Tricks

Happy Tuesday friends! I’m sure everyone is gearing up for the holiday on Thursday whether you are hosting, traveling or just a guest. We are in full prep mode as well but, of course, I am also prepping for Black Friday to help make it as fun and as smooth of a day as possible. We have been doing Black Friday as a group (moms, sisters, aunts) for over 15 years now. So crazy to think that we were doing[Read more]

Knowing Your Self-Worth

As women, we are likely always questioning something about ourselves, whether it be our job as mothers or wives, how we look or measure up to those around us and how we make our mark in this world. I’m not saying any of that will go away once you become comfortable in your own skin, however, I think having the courage to say I am worth it is a start.

Prioritizing Health

As most of you are aware, October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. While I have had a mammogram each year since turning 40, I will admit they get pushed back a little more each year due to my procrastination and busy schedule. It is far too easy to put it aside and use the excuse that life is just too busy or I can’t make the time to break away from work. As I get older, my health and taking[Read more]

Independence Day

So, I know I missed National Son Day earlier this week but I had a good reason. I wanted to wait to write this blog post because today was a significant milestone on this journey of parenthood. My first baby, who is definitely not a baby anymore, is now officially independent and can drive on his own. Let the mom anxiety begin! While the smile on his face when he told us he passed will probably forever be etched in[Read more]

Why I Share Friday Finds

As I was prepping tomorrow’s photos for Friday Finds, I was reflecting on why I do it. Looking through and editing pics of myself literally makes me cringe almost as much as taking the pics in the first place. So it got me thinking, why do I put myself through this every week? I could just do flat lays every week or show the clothes on the models instead of on me. First, let me tell you that I gain[Read more]

Trader Joe’s Favorites

While I know sharing Trader Joe’s favorites is hardly groundbreaking or different, I decided to finally write a post for one reason. I have discovered some of my favorite things by watching other blogger’s recommendations. I used to wander this store aimlessly trying to figure out what to try but having it simplified by some of the best bloggers out there has made this a very easy shopping excursion now. So I figured I would share some of my favorites in hopes that maybe I can help other moms out too.

Hope for a Better Future

Sadly, it is already almost the middle of August and I am just writing my first blog post for the month. I have been so consumed with my own busy schedule and trying to manage the kids’ schedules these last few weeks of summer, that I just haven’t had the energy or even the motivation to sit down and write. Tonight, as exhausted as I am from a long week, I decided to sit down and write what was in[Read more]

Holding on to the Last Days of Summer

Is it just me or does anyone else get into the usual tug of war between back to school and holding on dearly to every last bit of summer? I know if you are a teacher you definitely feel the struggle. Every year, I always know that the summertime is going to fly by and I try to maximize it as much as possible but the struggle is real on finding balance when you are a working mom or even[Read more]

What is Your Creative Outlet?

With Summer officially approaching at the end of this week, the days are longer and there just seems to be more time, even though most of us still seem to not have enough of it no matter what the season is. Balancing family and professional life as an adult can be hard, but these days even our kids are having to learn how to manage everything at earlier ages than I remember. Let’s face it. No matter what age you[Read more]